About Us
We are ESCO.
What is ESCO?
ESCO or Energy Service Company is the company provides solutions for achieving energy cost reductions under promotion of the Institute of Industrial Energy, the Federation of Thai Industries. Providing our clients the solutions for achieving energy cost reductions. An ESCO can handle projects, mobilize financial resources, offer turn-key services and assume performance risks.
The concept of an ESCO model is to offer a solution whereby a client convert energy inefficiencies into future cash flows and energy saving investments are repaid from savings resulting from the analysis.
ESCO operations must have
(1) Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider of an energy efficiency improvement measure, verified and monitored during the entire term of the contract.
(2) Measurement and Verification (M&V) is the process of planning, measuring, collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of verifying and reporting energy savings.
✦ ESCO involved 3 parties ✦
- A Service Provider which is an ESCO (Energy Service Company)
- A Clientwhich is an entrepreneur receiving energy efficiency service from ESCO.
- Source of Capital who supports a client in the energy conservation project, such as bank or leasing company, etc.

✦ ESCO’s TURNKEY Service ✦
(1) Energy audit
(2) Design engineering and estimate the cost and saving
(3) Providing or arranging the project financing
(4) Providing equipment and product
(5) Construction and implementation management
(6) Project management
(7) Verifying and monitoring during the entire term of the contract
(8) Guaranteeing the energy saving result according to the EPC contract
✦ Main types of EPC ✦
(1) Guaranteed Saving
◉ The client assumes the entire investment required.
◉ ESCO create an EPC contract between the beneficiary and the provider of an energy efficiency improvement measure (ESCO)
◉ The ESCO shall ensure real savings and if they are not enough to cover debt service, then ESCO might pay the difference
◉ If however, the savings exceed the guaranteed level, then the customer must pay an agreed upon percentage of the savings to the ESCO
◉ This mechanism is typically used when the investment associated with the project is undertaken by the customer. This is why this type of contract is only suited for clients with sufficient financing.
(2) Shared Saving
◉ The investment is assumed entirely by the ESCO, including investment financing, management and control of energy consumption.
◉ Attractive for the ESCO as long as it excludes penalties in the event that the implemented measures perform poorly or the initial estimation proves to be too low
◉ In return for providing financing, the ESCO undertakes comprehensive management. In order to compensate for the managerial complexity involved, the ESCO typically prefers large or medium-sized customers.
Source (Thai): ESCO Information Center. [online]. https://www.thaiesco.org
Translated by Win Win Team
Our Company
Win Win Supply Company Limited always aims for the “win-win” solution in our collaborations with clients.
Win Win Supply Company Limited is running business as a sub-contractor for more than 15 years. We had expanded our business field and registered to be one of the Energy Saving Companies (ESCO) giving energy conservation service under the Energy Service Company system promoted by the Institute of Industrial Energy, the Federation of Thai Industries with Registered No. A059.

(from right to left)
Mr. Viriya Thosuwonjinda, Managing Director, Assist. Prof. Dr. Vichai Thosuwonjinda, Chairman and Mr. Thanansroung Thosuwonjinda, Deputy Managing Director, Win Win Supply Company Limited.
Executives and Team
Win Win Supply Company Limited, has more than 2200 employees working in 23 companies, was founded by Mr. Viriya Thosuwonjinda, the Managing Director. He is the Vice-Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries Chachoengsao Chapter and also the chairman of Industrial Energy Efficiency Information Center Chachoengsao Chapter. Win Win Supply Co., Ltd. gives a full-service of Energy Service Company system. We now have 2 branches; Head office at Bang Pakong, Chachoengsao and Bangkok branch at Nuan Chan, Bangkok.
Concept of ESCO
ESCO (Energy Service Company) is the company under promotion of the Institute of Industrial Energy, the Federation of Thai Industries, providing our clients the solutions for achieving energy cost reductions. We can handle projects, mobilize financial resources, offer turn-key services and assume performance risks, request subsidy from the government sector, and also guarantee the saving result and the quality of the equipment for the customers according to the EPC Contract.

Win Win Supply Company Limited
Win Win Supply Co., Ltd. registered as a sub-contractor on December 4th, 2004. In 2015, the company has sale report of 411 million baht with unappropriated retained earnings 21 million baht. Our head office located at 118/3 Moo 7, Bangpakong, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao, 24130.
Win Win Supply Co., Ltd. registered to be one of the Energy Service Companies (ESCO) giving energy conservation service under the Energy Service Company system promoted by the Institute of Industrial Energy, the Federation of Thai Industries with Registered No. A059.
The energy saving business is one of businesses that the government sector set as the industrial goal for the ‘Start Up’ group which has been encouraged to conduct all over the world because it’s a kind of business that benefits the country. The energy saving business is identified as 1 of 10 ‘New Engine of Growth’ businesses that the government gives encouragement or even the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) also identified it as a business that benefits the country by prioritizing as the highest encouragement (TEAR 1), letting the business be able to get the tax benefit up to 8 years.

Win Win Power Saving Company Limited
In 2016, Win Win Supply Co., Ltd. had expanded our work field by founding “Win Win Power Saving co., ltd.” to gives a turnkey service of Energy Service Company system. Providing our clients the solutions for achieving energy cost reductions. We can handle projects, mobilize financial resources, offer turn-key services and assume performance risks, request subsidy from the government sector, and also guarantee the saving result and the quality of the equipment for the customers according to the EPC Contract.